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In-person class 

From Sketch to Finish with Lenin Delsol

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Drawing and understanding color are both essential parts of painting. Additionally, painting from multiple sittings is a significant part of the process. By working in this manner, you will notice subtle details and develop a rapport with your sitter, empowering you to paint a likeness that reveals the subject’s spirit. 

The primary focus of this class is painting a portrait using Oil and Pastel, although all media is welcome. Throughout the course, I will demonstrate several techniques and give one-on-one instruction. You can expect to paint three different portraits of a live model sitting in a two-week continued pose. You will have online access to the pose images.

To learn about my portrait painting process, check out this article I wrote for Realism Today. 

Day / Time
Wednesdays, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm (CDT)


Model Fee

Palette & Chisel Academy of Fine Arts
1012 N. Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois

pastel portrait of a model with a dark complexion wearing a black shawl
Oil portrait by Lenin Delsol of a woman with black hair and bare shoulders gazing left
Oil portrait by Lenin Delsol of his friend and fellow artist Errol Jacobson.
Portrait Painting Class Schedule

Enroll button takes you to the Palette & Chisel website’s class registration page.

Apr 16 – May 21, 2025

10:00 AM-1:00 PM CDT, Wednesdays, Palette & Chisel Academy of Fine Arts, 3rd floor
Class #710

May 28 – July 9, 2025

10:00 AM-1:00 PM CDT, Wednesdays, Palette & Chisel Academy of Fine Arts, 3rd floor
Class #711

Jul 16 – Aug 20, 2025

10:00 AM-1:00 PM CDT, Wednesdays, Palette & Chisel Academy of Fine Arts, 3rd floor
Class #712

Special Notes
Please come prepared to work in the first class. The Palette & Chisel will email you a supply list when you register. If you’d like to see the list in advance of registering, please contact their office at [email protected]

The $60 model fee is in addition to the class fee. It is required and non-refundable. Please plan to pay it at the first class session. Thanks!

In-person class 

Instinctive Figure Painting with Lenin Delsol

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The purpose of this class will be to develop your confidence and a way of seeing the figure as a whole, utilizing basic anatomical landmarks and a sense of comparative proportion. Together, we will examine the physical landmark relationships inherent in the human subjects we choose to paint and draw. 

During the course of the class, we will paint several poses—both figure and clothed figure, with practical demos being shown throughout. We will also discuss composition and apply those ideas to artworks created in the class.

Day / Time
Wednesdays, 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm (CDT)


Model Fee

Palette & Chisel Academy of Fine Arts
1012 N. Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois

watercolor of a nude female figure turning away from a golden stream of light meant to entice her
Realistic figurative oil painting of a woman sitting with arms
Realistic figurative oil painting of nude reclining woman draped in blue chiffon fabric
Figure Painting Class Schedule

Enroll button takes you to the Palette & Chisel website’s class registration page.

Apr 16 – May 21, 2025

6:30 PM – 9:30 PM CDT, Wednesdays, Palette & Chisel Academy of Fine Arts, 3rd floor
Class #800

May 28 – Jul 9, 2025

6:30 PM – 9:30 PM CDT, Wednesdays, Palette & Chisel Academy of Fine Arts, 3rd floor
Class #801

Jul 16 – Aug 20, 2025

6:30 PM – 9:30 PM CDT, Wednesdays, Palette & Chisel Academy of Fine Arts, 3rd floor
Class #802

Special Notes
Please come prepared to work in the first class. The Palette & Chisel will email you a supply list when you register. If you’d like to see the list in advance of registering, please contact their office at [email protected]

The $60 model fee is in addition to the class fee. It is required and non-refundable. Please plan to pay it at the first class session. Thanks!

In-Person Workshop: Mar 29 – 30, 2025 

Beyond the Pose: Composition & Image Creation from Photos and Life

A Two-Day Workshop with Lenin Delsol

Enroll in Workshop

In this workshop, I’ll guide you through the process of creating dynamic compositions using a live model and photographic references. You won’t just paint what you see—you’ll learn how to design compelling images that tell a story.

What to Expect

Day 1: Creating Strong References

  • We’ll start with an overview of composition fundamentals — what works, what to watch out for, and how to think beyond a single pose.
  • I’ll break down how to photograph a model effectively, capturing multiple angles, lighting scenarios, and gestures to use later in your painting.
  • You’ll then take your own reference photos of a live model, exploring different environments and storytelling possibilities.
  • You’ll leave with a set of personalized reference images to develop overnight

Day 2: From Reference to Painting

  • You’ll bring your sketches and ideas from Day 1, and we’ll refine them together.
  • I’ll demonstrate how I approach composition using photos I took during the session.
  • I’ll work with each of you individually, helping you make the most of your reference photos and strengthen your painting’s design

Why Take This Workshop?

  • Maximize Creativity – Break free from static poses and create dynamic compositions
  • Learn Photo Integration – Use references as a tool, not a crutch
  • Refine Your Vision – Get hands-on feedback and guidance to take your work further

I’m looking forward to helping you push past limitations and develop paintings that are truly your own. See you there!

Day / Time
March 29-30, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm (CDT)


Model Fee

Palette & Chisel Academy of Fine Arts
1012 N. Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois

Enroll in Workshop

Enroll button takes you to the Palette & Chisel website

Supply List

  • Digital Camera, iPad, or Tablet
  • Pencils, Sketch Pad, Eraser, Tracing Paper
  • If painting, bring your preferred medium

Special Notes
Please come prepared to work the first day of the workshop. The Palette & Chisel will email you a supply list when you register. If you’d like to see the list in advance of registering, please contact their office at [email protected]

The $20 model fee is in addition to the workshop fee. It is required and non-refundable. Please pay it on the first day of workshop. Thanks!